When your child is sick all you want is a medicine that will make everything better. Unfortunately, when it comes to viruses, like those that cause colds or influenza (the flu), antibiotics don’t work. Read on to find out why, and to see what else you can do. What are antibiotics? Antibiotics were discovered by…
Category: Vaccines & Tests

Office Visits Update
Children who have a known exposure to COVID but are asymptomatic DO NOT need to be seen in our office. Per the Bulloch County BOE guidelines, it is your choice as a parent whether or not to quarantine your child. If you decide to quarantine them and they remain symptom-free, you can return them to…

COVID Testing Location UPDATE!
Bulloch County Health Department has a new location for COVID testing: Downtown Statesboro in the parking lot located on the East Side of Railroad Street between Hill St and Courtland St. Go to the white drive thru tent. UPDATED HOURS: Tests are given 8AM-3PM Monday-Friday and the last Saturday each month. You MUST schedule a COVID test…

Fall Flu Clinic on November 16
SEASONAL FLU CLINIC – NOVEMBER 16 *8:00 AM-12:00PM * If your insurance covers the influenza vaccine we will file the claim with your insurance carrier. For those without insurance coverage or those whose insurance doesn’t provide influenza vaccine benefits there will be a vaccine administration fee of $21.93 . For other non-patients wishing to get the…

Fall 2018 Flu Clinics
Fall 2018 Flu Clinics will be held from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm on the following dates: Saturday, October 6th Saturday, November 3rd If your insurance covers the influenza vaccine we will file the claim with your insurance carrier. For those without insurance coverage or those whose insurance doesn’t provide influenza vaccine benefits, there will be…

Where to Get Accurate Vaccine Information
Parents and caregivers often have questions about vaccines and their safety. Unfortunately, the internet and social media can provide a lot of misinformation, myths, and downright lies about vaccines. With so much noise, it can be hard to know who to believe. It’s important to remember that the source of the information is the most…
American Academy of Pediatrics on Measles
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends all children be vaccinated appropriately. Please read the two following statements recently issued by the AAP to learn more: American Academy of Pediatrics Urges Parents to Vaccinate Children to Protect Against Measles Statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics President